This function downloads rainfall remote sensing data of IMERG from NASA GSFC servers, extracts data from grids within a specified watershed shapefile, and then generates tables in a format that any hydrological model requires for rainfall data input. The function also generates the rainfall stations file input (file with columns: ID, File NAME, LAT, LONG, and ELEVATION) for those selected grids that fall within the specified watershed. The minimum latency for this function is one day.

  Dir = "./INPUT/",
  watershed = "LowerMekong.shp",
  DEM = "LowerMekong_dem.tif",
  start = "2022-6-1",
  end = "2022-6-10"



A directory name to store gridded rainfall and rain stations files.


A study watershed shapefile spatially describing polygon(s) in a geographic projection crs='+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84'.


A study watershed digital elevation model raster in a geographic projection crs='+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84'.


Beginning date for gridded rainfall data.


Ending date for gridded rainfall data.


A table that includes points ID, Point file name, Lat, Long, and Elevation information, and a scalar of rainfall gridded data values at each point within the study watershed in ascii format needed by hydrological model weather inputs will be stored at Dir.


A user should visit Data Access document to register with the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (NASA Earthdata) and then authorize NASA GESDISC Data Access to successfully work with this function. The function accesses NASA Goddard Space Flight Center server address for IMERG remote sensing data products at ( The function uses variable name ('precipitationCal') for rainfall in IMERG data products. Units for gridded rainfall data are 'mm'.

IMERG dataset is the GPM Level 3 IMERG *Early* Daily 0.1 x 0.1 deg (GPM_3IMERGDE) derived from the half-hourly GPM_3IMERGHHE. The derived result represents the final estimate of the daily accumulated precipitation. The dataset is produced at the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC) by simply summing the valid precipitation retrievals for the day in GPM_3IMERGHHE and giving the result in (mm)

The IMERG data products are available from 2000-June-1 to present. The function outputs table and gridded data files that match grid points resolution of IMERG data products (i.e., resolution of 0.1 deg).

The GPM_NRT function relies on 'curl' tool to transfer data from NASA servers to a user machine, using HTTPS supported protocol. The 'curl' command embedded in this function to fetch precipitation IMERG netcdf daily global files is designed to work seamlessly given that appropriate logging information are stored in the ".netrc" file and the cookies file ".urs_cookies" as explained in registering with the Earth Observing System Data and Information System. It is imperative to say here that a user machine should have 'curl' installed as a prerequisite to run GPM_NRT.


start should be equal to or greater than 2000-Jun-01.

end the minimum latency is 1 day.


Ibrahim Mohammed,


#Lower Mekong basin example
if (FALSE) GPM_NRT(Dir = "./INPUT/", watershed = "LowerMekong.shp",
DEM = "LowerMekong_dem.tif", start = "2022-6-1", end = "2022-6-10")